Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sombong, Lambat dan Salah

*supposedly to do a summary on 2007 but that has to wait

Started my new year with a bang, literally, and thankfully I didn’t sustain any major injury. It’s hardly a week into the 2008 and I’ve already had my first accident, the most serious one so far. My car skidded on a highway while I was traveling home yesterday and it crashed onto the wall of the highway. Luckily, I had decelerated the car as I was approaching the sharp turn or else the impact would have been greater. It had rained earlier and the road was quite slippery but never had I expected that my car would skid.

When it started to loose control, my first reaction was to hit the break hard, which I shouldn’t have done, and pulled the handbrake. It is like one of those drifting scenes in 2fast 2furious but the difference is I ain’t a racer! Thankfully the wall was high enough to prevent my car from toppling over the edge because it was an elevated highway. The damage wasn’t as bad as I expected, just a dented bumper and a broken left wheel’s arm.

Made a called to a 24 hours road assist centre for help. The tow truck arrived an hour later to tow my car and the guy, Aqim, brought me to the police station at Jalan Tun Hs Lee to lodge a police report.

The officers on duty at the front desk were very professional and helpful, but the Sergeant that I had seen to discuss about my accident was an unprofessional worthless dick. This dick head is called Shamsuddin. It is such a disgrace that an ass hole like him is allowed to become a policeman, a law enforcer. He was sleeping when I went to see him, which he shouldn’t be because he was on night shift, and the first thing he did was to intimidate me and made sarcastic remarks.

Ass: Bagaimana kereta kamu terkandas?

JL: Saya tekan brek apabila mendekati selekoh dan kereta saya tergelongsor. Saya percaya ia adalah disebabkan jalan lincin kerana ada takungan air yang kecil dan grip tayar kereta saya kurang baik.

Ass: Kamu ada nampak kereta lain tergelongsor di sana ke tidak?

JL: Tiada Encik

Ass: Mengapa ia hanya berlaku pada kamu?

JL: Mungkin keadaan kereta saya tak sebaik yang lain dan juga jarang kereta menggunakan jalan itu pada masa tersebut

Ass: Tak baik? Kamu cuba beritahu kat Mahkamah nanti tengok.

After this he went to inspect my car and then we went back to his room again.

Ass: Kamu rasa kamu bersalah ke tidak?

JL: Maksud Encik?

Ass: Accident ini… apa lagi. Awal pagi masih lagi makan angin dengan kereta. Tahu tak ada orang sedang bekerja pada masa macam ini

(ASS… you’re freaking sleeping and the whole office was pitch black when I came in)

JL: Saya tidak dapat menafikan yang saya juga bersalah kerana saya sepatutnya memperlahankan kereta saya lebih awal lagi.

Ass: So kamu mengaku salah. Kalau salah, kena saman. RM300 saman.

JL: Maaf ya Encik. Memandangkan ini adalah kali pertama saya terlibat dalam kemalangan dan punca utama kemalangan ini adalah disebabkan keadaan jalan. Boleh Encik memberi saya peluang dan tidak menggeluarkan saman?

Ass: Kalau tak nak saman, kita boleh berbincang lagi dan kamu akan bayar kurang daripada kompaun saman.

JL: Apa maksud Encik? (you useless SOB. Are you tying to get me to bribe you!?)

Ass: *changed of expression, raised his voice a little* Jumpa officer dan bincang tapi kamu tunggu sampai pagi sehingga dia masuk.

JL: Siapa officer yang Encik maksudkan dan apa prosedurnya.

Ass: *agitated* Kamu nak ke tak nak? Tak apa kalau kamu mahu saman saya akan bagi saman, senang kerja saya nanti, tak perlu buat banyak

JL: Encik, sila berikan saman sahaja *agitated*

Ass: *mumbles to himself* Bila mahu bayar?

JL: Secepat mungkin. Ini bukan sesuatu yang susah untuk diselesaikan.

I walked off and didn’t even say anything to that ass after I got the summon. The police’s motto is ‘Mesra, Cepat & Betul’, I would say it’s more like ‘Sombong, Lambat & Salah’. It’s so frustrating to know that the government is trying so hard to combat bribery but it’s our law enforcers who are the criminal. Such disgrace…

Aqim towed my car to Shah Alam and then he sent me home. By the time I reached my apartment it’s already 645 in the morning and... do you know what… I still haven’t slept yet….


Janvier said...

Gave us all a good wake-up call you know hearing that you were in an accident. It's a blessing that you're uninjured (and now we read that it was on an elevated highway some more!

The officer's an ass, period. Don't layan him at all. After cause complications only.

moz monster said...

Thanks to all things good in life, you're safe and sound.

If we have to rely on these people to keep the country safe ... I'm quite certain we're all in grave danger, those fucked up police folk.

rainbow angeles said...

OMG... u and I drive the same type of car woh... I must be careful also liao... can you tell mana ini highway?

Whatever it is, very very glad to know that you are a-ok... next time be careful, ok?


ps: Lu mia BeeEm agak 'keng' oh... hehe...

_butt said...

thank goodness you're safe and sound! next time must be extra careful ya. your bm sounded more geng than that balrdy idiot punya officer leh hehe

adrien said...

oh gosh..really glad that you're safe, and really proud that you managed to stand that ass of a "police officer". i would've blown the lid off, and well, made things worse. hope the day out we had with the rest cheered u up a bit. :)

savante said...

As long as you're alright, it's OK. Don't risk your life. And don't bother with the police officer.. just take his name and make a report of hostile nature.

But hey, what's wrong with napping during an on-call if nothing's happening?

Sam said...

OMG. Elevated highway lagi! If the car really toppled over, I think I would have had a heart attack. >.< Well, at least all's good and right now - the most important thing is that you're safe and sound. Hope your car gets fixed soon - can only offer you big hugs to console you. *hugs hugs hugs hugs*

Oh, and about Officer Dick? We can bite him for you if you want - just give us the word, and the zombie can come to life in about what - oh, a second. He'll have his neck dangling from a string of flesh by the time I'm done with him. :D

William said...

Thank goodness you weren't hurt. Oh well, if not because of insurance procedures pun lantak with the police report. I hear that regardless of situation the saman sure kena bayar one.

Lifebook said...

Wow! An accident in a new year. Glad you fine without any injuries. :)

Anonymous said...

yang penting: ko slamat

perlajaran of the day: read more on malaysia-today :p

next time drive slower la! :)

Comically Sad said...

oh no! glad ur ok tho. thats what matters :) quite unfortunate to start the yr off this way :S

n omg i hate those kindda officers. isnt there somewhere we can report incidents like this to? not to mention the hints of bribary! hate them hate them hate them!! grrr

sry so worked up lol but i can just imagine the scenario

Anonymous said...

CJ: thanks for your concern... ya really thankful i'm alright *hugs

Janvier: Now we know how to wake you up... effectively :P

Moz: Yaloh... nanti kena alantuya-ed :P

Angle: thanks... it's AKLEH (Ampang KL Express Highway). Get your tires check OK :)

_Butt: Thanks :) tu idiot baru bangun kot...

Jason: Yup.. i should have but mana tau kan :)

Adrien: Thanks :) i wish i've some special abilities like cutting head open or electrokinesis :P

Savante: Nap ok lah.. but he's like blaming me for waking him up.

Sam: Thanks... bite his head off? you memang lapar ye

William: Yaloh... tapi kan sudah jatuh and the stupid polis put a tangga lagi :P

Lifebook: Thanks... i'm alright

EGT: yup syukur sihamdulilah

K: Yup... very unfortunate indeed. No worries and thanks for your concern :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry to hear about what happened to you. I can empathize with the stupid policeman bit, I had a bad experience with them while trying to make a police report.

The most important thing is that you're okay. Thank God that you're not harmed physically in anyway. Take care!