Friday, July 25, 2008

Malaysia Sucks... Big Time

Never proud as a Malaysian (there's nothing for me to be proud of) and never will...

'Nough said...



Legolas said...

My ex-lawyer friend will give you a lecture on why we should feel proud being Malaysians.

Though I'm definitely on your side, at least 70%.

savante said...

I would give you a lecture as well :P So you should work towards making it a better place.


William said...

Why?! Is the Largest Roti Canai not good enough for you?!

Alex said...

Cheer up.... it's not always that bad... but of course it could be way better! :)

Big Bad Wolf said...

Send the following to the guillotine and Malaysia would be a better place to live.

1. Corrupted politicians, businessmen, police, judges, immigration fella, gov officers, etc etc
2. Rude malaysian drivers
3. Mat Rempits
4. Religious fanatics
5. People who pretend to be religious but commit sins

Now, where does that lead us? Perhaps removing all the people above will leave only 10% of the population?

nase said...

Despite the lack of brain power or someone with a vision helming our country (just check out the list of cabinet ministers and tell me how many are truly qualified to represent us and bring us forward), not to mention the widespread corruption and cronism, we should instead strive to make this place a better living condition for our future generations.

Anonymous said...

that's my line la, bayar royalty pls

tea tea

Anonymous said...

Leggie: Mana tu 30%?

Paul: la lecture lagi... :P

William: I want the biggest Kuih Seri Muka!

Alex: hope so la...

BBW: 10%? yao mol...

Nase: Thanks for the comment. We're limited by our power. Like you've said at least we do what we could :)

Tea: Nah.. Kuk Fah Royal Tea :D