Friday, July 20, 2007


He was a good and caring brother to his siblings, always made sure their needs were taken care of. He had gone to great ends to support them, financially, physically and also emotionally.

He was a loyal and amiable friend. He had helped many people in his life and because of this, he had gained many close acquaintances. He treated his friends like his family, always willing to help no matter what. He believed that ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’

He was a good father to his children. He would check on them at night to make sure there’re alright before going to bed. He loved to make his children happy, telling them funny stories and jokes, bringing them out for a joyride and even jungle tracking. He worked hard so that he could provide the best for his children.

He was a good husband to Erica. He tried starting a business but he was unsuccessful. He didn’t give up trying because all he ever wanted was to give her a good life. He was persistent even until the day he died.


You’re never the above to my mother and me.

I always wonder why you had abandoned me.

I hated you in the past but now I’ve forgiven you.

You will always be the father I never knew.

Now that I’ve made my peace,

I hope you rest in peace.


moz monster said...

... *lost for words*

I'm sorry

savante said...

Heartfelt. No one could have written a better tribute. My condolences.


Sam said...

Heard the news. My deepest condolences. *hugs*

rainbow angeles said...

Dear JL,

Whatever happened, I'm glad you have made your peace... my deepest sympathies... hughughugs...


ah nel said...


stay strong bro!


my heartfelt condolence to you and your family. he may be gone, but not lost.

take care, JL.

Alex said...

*hugs*.... I hope you're all alright... My deepest condolence to you....


Requiem aeternam.

a^ben said...

*bring white roses*

sorry to hear about it

may said...

my condolences, Sai Loh. I'm glad you have peace in your heart. hugs.

nyonyapenang said...

my condolences, jl.

Winn said...

may he rest in peace..
my condolence...

Chen said...

sorry to hear that
my deepest condolences, JL

Anonymous said...

For each thorn, there is a rosebud,
for each twilight — a dawn,
for each trial — the strength to carry on,
For each stormcloud — a rainbow,
for each shadow — the sun,
for each parting — sweet memories
when sorrow is done.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Warmest hugs,

Guatyen said...

my condolences to you and family.