Friday, November 02, 2007

Signal Fire

A crude unedited story written by yours truly a few months back (inspired by the song 'Signal Fire'). I wonder whether i could finish writing it :)


“What do you mean when you said that!” screamed Lisa hysterically at Jordan.

Jordan slowly diverted his gaze from Lisa. Further away into the darkness at the corner of his room, just a little bit more, he told himself. Lisa couldn’t contain the outburst anymore, tears were running down her rosy pink cheeks, and her clear hazel eyes had become blurry.

The perfect words never crossed my mind,

'cause there was nothing in there but you,

Jordan couldn’t look away; standing in front of him was the woman he had sworn to protect and to love for the rest of his life. He’s a man of his word but he had learned, the hard way, that sometimes love just ain’t enough. Silence was his only apt reply for no words could convey how he feels. Time passed ever slowly, everything was so still, stillness that emanates coldness, bitterness, and sadness.

I felt every ounce of me screaming out,

But the sound was trapped deep in me,

Lisa took a deep breath, hoping it could at least give her some self-control, but her sobbing she had no control over. She was shattered, everything that she had believed and hold dear were shattered, never had she felt so broken. She felt so helpless and fragile. Like a rose trampled on the ground, she was crushed and she felt a part of her had withered away.

All I wanted just sped right past me,

While I was rooted fast to the earth,

I could be stuck here for a thousand years,

Without your arms to drag me out,

‘Forgive me,’ uttered Jordan in a steely somber tone. His face was lighted intermittently by passing cars on the street below his run down apartment.

There you are standing right in front of me

There you are standing right in front of me

All this fear falls away to leave me naked,

Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety

‘If this is what you wanted, I have nothing else to say,’ replied Lisa, still sobbing. She gathered her stuffs as she had gathered her courage and walked out of the room without looking back. The old creaky door opened and closed, Lisa had come and gone.

No I won't wait forever

No I won't wait forever

Jordan opened his mouth but nothing came out. He tried again and still nothing. Empty and hollow. His life shut down the very moment Lisa went out the door.

In the confusion and the aftermath,

You are my signal fire,

The only resolution and the only joy,

Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes,

He let out an anguish cry.

There you are standing right in front of me

There you are standing right in front of me

All this fear falls away to leave me naked,

Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety,

Jordan finally understood the meaning of it all.

There you are standing right in front of me

There you are standing right in front of me

All this fear falls away to leave me naked,

Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety,

No I won't wait forever

No I won't wait forever

No I won't wait forever

Jordan sets his tired frame on the old dusty couch with his hands clasped, as if he’s offering a prayer, but a prayer to who? He is never a religious person, but at this very moment, he searches for something he could cling on to as his world is slowly falling apart. Anguish, helpless and despair; are not even close to how he feels.

The perfect words never crossed my mind,

'cause there was nothing in there but you,

Intermittent green luminescent lights lit the cold steely room. Monotonous continuous beeps echoes in unison with the lights, the vital signs of life, Lisa’s life. Looking at her, one would assume she’s sleeping because her face is emanating such peace and tranquility, but the truth is she’s stricken with brain tumor and she has been in a coma for the past 2 months.

I felt every ounce of me screaming out,

But the sound was trapped deep in me,

Jordan closes his eyes and let his mind wander, a diminutive escape from the cold harsh reality.

‘Well you can have it. I’ve read the book and it’s really good,’ replied Lisa with a glorious smile.

He can still remember vividly the very first time he met Lisa at a quaint little bookstore called Paper’s Haven on the East end of Jeremiah Street. They were looking for the same book, ‘A Wedding In November’, by Anita Shreve.

to be continued...


Janvier said...

We loves that song! Powerful lyrics!

Alex said...

The story is so sad.... An illustration that humans tend to take things for granted and don't appreciate things until it's too late.

I hope for a good ending... like Lisa being recovered by sound scientific research on cancer (funded by Terry Fox) and a great team of doctors, surgeons and of course, anesthesiologists.

savante said...

Or the anaesthesiologist could get irritated with Lisa and end her life on behalf of the world.

KOrean drama is so right :P

Jason said...

Now everyone are into story writing?

MrBunnyBan said...

Ya lor... story based on song some more. I should commission a story based on "Little Bunny Hop hop hop"...

_butt said...

you had me... wordless. the song and Lisa.

Anonymous said...

janvier: Yup... it's so inspiring :)

Alex: Very true. Quite often we take things for granted. Thanks for the ideas :) It's definitely going to be a good ending

Savante: That will be so tragic and i'll make it into a horror story :P

Jason: Haha... exercise the brain a little

Ban: yes you should! :)

_Butt: wordless ok... don't be breathless :P thanks though