Thursday, September 13, 2007


The only word I could think of as I watched the Mak Cik yacking away nonchalantly while doing her work ‘efficiently’ at counter No.2, JPN Maju Junction. She picked up the form handed to her, scanned through the first page thoroughly, second, until the last page and you would think she was done but NO… she reread the whole damn form again from the beginning. While doing so, she stopped intermittently to chat with her coworker seated next to her, amusing each other with what they had for lunch, breakfast etc. Come on… I wouldn’t give a damn if you’ve eaten a cow or elephant, maybe I do if it’s an elephant, and I certainly didn’t need to know how many times you went to the toilet after lunch! TMI (Too Much Information).

It is always a dreadful experience to visit government offices like JPN, KWSP, Immigration etc. My main contempt is the people, not that I’m antisocial, but it’s really terrible plus horrible = TERHORRIBLE!

*A 3-Toed Sloth, beautifully taken by Dave Schreier

For example, let’s take my recent visit to the KWSP HQ at Jalan Raja Laut. A big applause to the sensible people in KWSP for setting up kiosk that provides instant access to our KWSP accounts rather than the conventional over the counter method. It cuts down a lot of paper usage and it saves us time. Besides that, they have revamped the place to make it more spacious and cleaner. But the good impression was a short lived one.

The receptionist, with a perpetually pissed-off look, gave me a number after I told him I wanted to submit form 9KM. I was given a number, 0505, and they’re serving 0503 at that time. I said to myself,

‘Hey it’s only 2 more to go, it should be fast.’


I waited for 93 minutes! 93 freaking minutes! And through out that time I sat there, feeling bummed, and observed how these ‘efficient’ people work. I must say there’re a few who were working diligently around the clock, dealing with one customer after another with great efficiency. But most of them were just lembab.

It says here that a sloth moves at 15-30cm per minute. Those people at KWSP could be sloths in disguise!


Jason said...

Sometimes, even banks are like that too! Sloths... they're dominating the front line.

savante said...

Sloths. muahahah.

Alex said...

Cemerlang. Gemilang. Terbilang.
*Wawasan 2020* *Negara Maju*

*clap clap*

Anonymous said...

hi hi! how are you? havent seen u in a while...

yeahlo... i thk all government deps in malaysia also like that....

sad sad..

Big Bad Wolf said...

malaysia boleh mah..
they wanna break the world record for the "slowest service rendered to the people" category mah..
Aren't u proud to be malaysian?

moz monster said...

What's new, man ?

The last time I had fast service (at Immigration while renewing my passport), I complemented the officer ...

And guess what she told me ?

"Oh ... that's maybe because I'm new here !"

.... *pengsan* ...

Anonymous said...

Jason: Come.. let's have a sloth shooting spree!!! Hope DBKL will award us with some prize money for that :P

Savante: What are you laughing at? :)

Alex: *waves flag*

Blueroses: i'm very well thank you... How about you? bila mau gi yum char... ajak ye :)

BBWolf: I can feel your patriotism :P

Moz: LOL!!!!! Hope they keep recruiting new people then :)