*KLites overworked & underpaid?
Apparently, KL is the second city with the highest working hours per year. Patutlah KL drivers so crappy & ganas...
But how come so little nia we have achieved as a city, even though we spent more hours laboring at work? Something is not right here kan?
after tolak time spent minum kopi, time spent kat bilik air, time spent sikat rambut, time spent blogging and on msn, itu betul-betul mia kerja hours very little nia la.
so don't la expect miracles when effective hours is less than 2 per day.
i myself is guilty as charged of sneaking working hours for personal pleasures.
spent countless hours being busy at work... that's what i do, BEING busy rather than doing actual work. Sometimes can't help it cause everything has become complacent.
Kak Nyonya: come to think of it betul juga... but i'm usually most effective between 10 to 12 (2 hours nia). After that everything just go down hill. hmmm... must think of way to be productive kalau tidak nanti kena makan fried sotong :P
Anon: Hi there! thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I'm guilty as charged juga. I think we have to make an effort to rekindle the flame & passion for our work or esle we'll just continue slacking & mengular.. Cheers :)
many hours spent at work..yes..but doing what?
Good day to you Just Me, welcome and thanks for the comment. Kak Nyonya had listed some of the 'works' that we do at the office :P
The end of the year is always a good time to re-evaluate & re-prioritize the things we do. I've started preparing my New Year resolutions and revisit the one I've made this year. How about you? Cheers :)
According to the survey done by UBS, Malaysia is pretty good compared to the rest of the major cities in the world. We are among the
1) Cheapest city to live in
2) Cheapest food price
3) Cheapest clothing
4) Cheapest Home Electonics/household
5) Cheapest Rental
6) Cheapest Hotel
7) Lowest wage earner (DAMN!!)
Now that is wat i call "Malaysia Boleh"... Hahaha.. But overall, our ranking aint so bad, but how come we are feeling the sting? Something is wrong somewhere.
click on "Prices and Earnings, 2006 issue"
1) If you stay outside the city
2) Have you eaten at the KLCC food court before? i thought the rice is made of gold for the hideous amount of money they charged us
3) Thanks for the never ending SALE
4) If you buy brand like GC, TOSHITBA, SONNY
5) refer to 1)
6) This 1 i dunno, i tido kat rumah
7) This 1 VELI TRUE! :(
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